Products and Services

Mobile Scrap Shears

Mobile scrap shears have become increasingly popular in Europe recently.

They have become indispensable equipment of scrap yards due to their flexible and mobile structures that allows mounting on an excavator to use directly.  Mobile scrap shears have such low investment costs and flexibility that they are preferred by all kinds of companies.

Their bodies are made of high wear resistant Hardox steel.  Cutting operation is done by the blades on the jaws of the shear driven by the hydraulic piston preserved inside the body structure.

With the advancement of

4-way blade technology, the blades have become consumables with much longer service lives which decreased operating costs in addition to investment costs.

Larger pieces at the scrap yard are collected at a separate area inside the scrap yard using a grapple which are then easily cut to pieces available for the furnace using the mobile shear attached to an excavator.  The mobile shear is attached to the excavator without needing any special modifications and is detached after cutting to allow the excavator be used for other purposes until the next cutting operation.

There are different types of mobile shears based on their bodies and types of blades they use which all share the same inner components;

  1. General Purpose Mobile Shears: These mobile shears can apply a cutting force of up to 1700 tons and can be used to cut all sorts of materials in a scrap yard, such as profiles, plates, rebars, pipes, etc.
  2. Mobile Shears for Cutting Plates: These mobile shears can apply a cutting force of up to 725 tons and thanks to the specially designed head structures, they prevent possible deformations or bending on the plates.
  3. Rail Cutters: Rail cutters apply a cutting force of up to 900 tons to easily cut all sorts of rails available in the market.

Several factors come into play when choosing a mobile shear, such as excavator’s capacity, maximum size of materials to cut and boom of the excavator to mount the shear on (could be the 2nd boom or the 3rd boom depending on the requirement).  Different types of mobile shears have different cutting powers and jaw sizes.

For more information on Scrap Shears and types, please follow the related link on the left, download our Scrap Shears Brochure or contact us.

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